Midterm Reviews

Today, on November 7th 2023, we have held the midterm reviews for the ETH Studio “Next Madrasa” on Sarajevo. The 33 students, which have been taught over the course of the last two months by Prof. Klumpner, Alejandro Jaramillo Quintero, Diogo Figueiredo and the team, have presented the current state of their projects. The students had the chance to discuss their projects with the very knowledgeable and diverse guests such as Prof. Silke Langenberg (heritage and construction) and Prof. Milica Topalovic (territorial design), both from ETH Zurich, Victoria Easton from renowned architectural office Christ & Gantenbein and Claudio Acioly from UN Habitat (architecture, urban planning and development). It is sure to say that the discussions have been enriching for all participants.

It will be interesting to observe how the students develop their projects further over the next five weeks. The final reviews will take place on Tuesday, 19th December 2024 at 9:30am. The reviews are open to the public. You are cordially invited to come, see, learn and discuss.

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