At the Chair of Architecture and Urban Design in the Departement of Architecture at the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), Prof. Hubert Klumpner teaches a Design Studio. In recent and also the upcoming semester, the topic of the Studio will revolve around the city of Sarajevo. The UTPS collects the students’ projects, exhibits and discusses them, and synthesises and uses them as an input for the UTPS’ final project proposals.
The design studio aims at helping and teaching students to understand architecture in a wider context by giving them the possibility to immerse themselves in real life questions, contexts and discussions. Through exercises and regular meetings with real stakeholders, the students may get a glimpse into negotiations and discussions they might face when working in a project concerning the built and urban environment. The students also have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with modern and recent technical programs such as Rhino, QGIS or AI and use these to develop their projects. By visualising their reading of and idea for the city in a comprehensive way, they have the opportunity to discuss their projects with a wide range of stakeholders in order to further develop their ideas.