The Studio Mobil is a visionary city outdoor-laboratory and functions as a mobile think tank station. It is a multi-facetted platform for engagement and research that includes and combines both, the social and the scientific sphere. In the Studio Mobil, ideas around the future of Sarajevo are discussed.
By touring the city, taking the streets, performing sessions with partners the Studio Mobil acts as a nomadic outdoor agora. As an alternative form of urban practice it welcomes people to participate by (re)activating, collecting, and sharing knowledge about Sarajevo. Presenting workshops, debates, and lectures around alternative urbanization and urban spaces as the emerging theme that concerns all of us. Based on the idea of a gasoline station for the post-fossil age, Studio Mobil provides 24/7 services and infrastructure, including shelter, light, a library, performances, informal encounters, markets, and a continuous supply of food for thought.
Through the lens of architecture and design, studio mobil acts as a starting point for the idea of tomorrow’s urban culture. The station offers inclusive and collective experimental learning, researching, spatial exploration, systemic circular thinking, and knowledge transfer born out of the contemporary city’s complexity and contradictions. In conjunction with the Urban Transformation Project Sarajevo and the Urban Design Studio Sarajevo, the Studio Mobil will discuss and document, organize, and project an alternative urban imaginary for Sarajevo with the ambition to expand the urban-tool box into an analog manual and a digital sourcebook. Equipped with the curiosity about how the existing city’s intelligence can activate architecture and urban design, looking for what is already existing, making the invisible visible, hunting and gathering the incremental, the temporary, the collective, precepts, and strategies.

The mobile laboratory is equipped with a Galion LIDAR system (Long Range Inland model) and is used to measure the line-of-sight component (LOS) of wind speed. The LOS component of wind speed measurement is based on the Doppler shift of backscattered laser from aerosols in the atmosphere. The LIDAR has a 3D scanning head that allows for volumetric scanning.
During measurements, the LIDAR’s laser head is raised through an opening in the roof of the Studio Mobil by an elevator platform. A 5kW generator and a battery bank provide electric power for the laboratory’s onboard systems. The output of these on-site wind measurements in Sarajevo included wind direction, wind speed and turbulence measurements for any site.
The trans-scalar perspectives and findings of the Studio Mobil are broadcasted into the Urban Design Studio Sarajevo with real-time data collection, documentary films and interviews, linking the outdoor venue with the city‘s subculture, offering alternative formats of developing an urbanism of social and environmental justice emerging from the people. As result, the developed pilot-projects and measurements are projected into an installation, testing the prototypical urban-tools and policy recommendations, proposed for concrete sites in and around Sarajevo. The Studio Mobil is connecting and bridging the global, regional, and local, made accessible through a digital platform, developing a creative common of shared tools, knowledge and projects.